Getting it Right
First Time
Keeping pace with new communication technologies poses a challenge to customer operations.
Smart troubleshooting automation is the silver bullet to maintain excellent customer support
efficiency in an era of growing service complexitys
SOLVATiO Automated Assurance from iisy AG is the leading platform for smart customer support & troubleshooting automation. Many international service providers rely on SOLVATiO to provide best in class customer-centric support automation in today’s era of growing service complexity, e.g. voice, internet and TV.
SOLVATiO provides powerful E2E troubleshooting automation, assuring efficient support delivery across all sections of customer care, i.e. self service, helpdesk, field service. It can be linked up with a wide variety of data sources & measurement systems for automated problem-specific data retrieval & interpretation. Troubleshooting is taken to a new dimension, based on SOLVATiO’s unique process-driven approach for automated root cause analysis, correction & repair. The result: top efficiency in customer operations & best in class support.
Q: How are iisy helping service providers to compete more effectively in an increasingly crowded market place?
A: Market saturation requires service providers to focus on efficiency, competitive pressure calls for better service and lower operational costs. It is a paradox situation but this challenge can be managed by having the adequate solution
in place.
SOLVATiO, iisy´s diagnostic troubleshooting solution, enables customer care departments to resolve customer problems faster and at lower costs. At the same time, customer support quality and supportability of new products is increased as well. The result: Lower service costs and improved customer experience lead to improved differentiation in an increasingly crowded market place.
Q: Growing new services is critical for the Telco’s, but causes problems in fulfillment and customer portfolio’s how are you helping in this area?
A: In a nutshell: SOLVATiO is neither a fulfilment nor a measurement tool. It is a platform providing for smart support and troubleshooting automation, including automated data retrieval and analysis, thus enabling customer operations to identify and repair a customer’s service disruption quicker and at lower cost.
The application potential is immense, especially for support of new services: With SOLVATiO new services can be fully supported right from day one. Required agent training is limited to a minimum. SOLVATiO assures instant supportability of new services, leading to improved provider agility with regard to introduction of new products and services. It also provides a substantial drive for quicker time to market and product launch success.
Q: The Telco’s have always looked reactively at customer problems how are you helping them take a proactive view?
A: SOLVATiO can even be used to set up fully-automated diagnostic monitoring during service activation; problems can be identified and resolved before the customer even gets affected. Customers receive proactive information automatically generated, thus avoiding the need for customers to call for support (i.e. call avoidance).
Q: SOLVATiO as a solution provides intelligent answers to customer problem handling, what are the key areas that it provides solutions in?
A: Key areas are technical problems in Voice, Internet and TV services. SOLVATiO provides a powerful platform to set up efficient troubleshooting flow automation for any communication service. The flows can be designed to seamlessly support E2E troubleshooting from initial customer contact (i.e. self service) via helpdesk all the way to field operations.
Q: Is there certain examples you can discuss that have provided dramatic changes to the Telco’s involved?
A: SOLVATiO has a dramatic impact on support efficiency. What does it mean in numbers? One of our customers, a leading European service provider, reported that1st level helpdesk clear rate got dramatically increased to 95% while the number of avoidable field service calls could be reduced to less than 3%.
These are convincing numbers for any operations manager, directly translating into rapid ROI.
Q: But how does it work?
A: SOLVATiO comes as a complete solution suite, specifically designed to enable rapid creation of a provider’s best practice troubleshooting flows for any kind of communication service. The flows designed in SOLVATiO can be deployed immediately, without lengthy IT release cycles being required.
Helpdesk agents as well as subscribers themselves (via self service) are dynamically guided to problem resolution, based on SOLVATiO’s unique root cause analysis capabilities. The complexity of customer problem handling is taken over by SOLVATiO, leading to reduced troubleshooting effort and quicker problem resolution.
Q: iisy are expanding their market place through the success of SOLVATiO, where are the key areas you are seeing your greatest achievements?
A: We introduced an entirely new concept of smart customer support automation, allowing to set up an innovative and smart E2E support from initial customer contact all the way to field service assignment. Exactly this perspective offers several new advantages: Process awareness and the highly efficient definition of troubleshooting flows assure access to the complete landscape of service dependent tools and hardware components, to check, identify and repair at one go.
Q: What are the unique characteristics of iisy as a company?
A: We at iisy define ourselves by the success our customers achieve when relying on SOLVATiO. Leading international service providers make best use of SOLVATiO’s unique benefit potential for years now, providing living proof that we are on the right track. Last but not least it is also our dedicated staff that our customers constantly appraise, securing efficient solution implementation and continuous support.
Q: What major changes do you see happening in the Telco marketplace this year?
A: The most interesting changes from our perspective are the introduction of new more complex services (OTT IPTV) as well as the introduction of new and converging technologies, e.g. fix, mobile, LTE.
At the same time customer expectations will continue to grow: highest availability and quality of communication services are taken as a matter of course, regardless of the growing technological complexity behind the scenes. Just think of the unlimited configurability of an increasing number of home devices like routers or set top boxes – creating a real troubleshooting nightmare for any helpdesk agent. We at iisy are convinced that smart troubleshooting automation for innovative root cause analysis and repair is the only strategy to ensure excellent customer support quality and efficiency in the future.

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