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Operate More Efficiently and Protect Your Revenue

Service providers find Danish solution to their problems: Robert Alcock talks to Lars Moltsen of 2operate

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Q: With the market place getting extremely competitive due to financial pressures are you finding the operators moving to a more proactive stance on network quality to safeguard clients?
A: Yes, although there are different strategies to deal with the increasing level of competition, it is clear that operators want to become more efficient in providing the required network quality – either to be as low-cost as possible or simply to improve quality.

In Denmark, the service provider market has become extremely competitive with a new, aggressive MVNO, dumping prices on all major services. The Danish market was already quite competitive with four networks and only 5 million people. Now, it has gone crazy.

It is very visible that each operator is acting on the situation: Telenor has taken the approach of dumping prices similar to the MVNO and canceling phone subsidizing. 3 seems to focus more on the high-end market with the highest prices in Denmark and with an ongoing campaign to brand itself as having the best network. Telia was the first operator in Denmark to launch LTE in December 2010. Still, it is critical for all to improve operational efficiency.

Q: Where are the main problems occurring in this area, and what your recommendations?
A: The combination of revenues going down due to tough competition, exploding data services enabled by new terminals, and the continuous introduction of new technology, is poison to the traditional way of doing telecommunications business. How can you build an organisation to operate your new LTE network if the overall budget says that you must reduce staff?

This looks almost impossible, but you need to remember that just like network technology evolves, so does technology for operating the network, and this is where 2operate brings something completely new to the market.

Q: How are the service providers finding your 2solve Solution is helping overcome these problems?
A: Our product provides the highest level of troubleshooting process automation in the OSS market today. The bottleneck in troubleshooting is Diagnostics. While it is relatively easy to automate Fault Detection (the identifying the network elements with degraded performance), determining the root cause is complex. It involves a lot of human effort and expertise to investigate a huge number of KPIs, trends, and configuration data.

When we demonstrate 2solve, and when the operator sees a screen with a list of worst cells (according to e.g. “drop rate”) and each cell is assigned a “Most Likely Fault”, we immediately get some attention. The opportunity for saving time and effort is so obvious.

Q: Is there a particular deployment we can look at and feedback from that?
A: We just finalised our first full-scale GSM trial project (2000+ sites) of 2solve with a Scandinavian customer in February and the feedback was very positive. The operator claimed that most of investigated incidents were diagnosed correctly. Moreover, the evaluation report stated that the user interface was very easy to understand and use. Finally, we got some great feedback on our ability to meet their specific needs during the project. We know from previous, publicly available reports that 2solve is able to save in the order of 60-75 percent of all manual effort in Diagnostics.

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