InterComms :: International Communications Project
  Intercomms Issue 19
Issue 19 Articles


Welcome to this issue of InterComms, we have added a few new areas to this journal and have a few major announcements.

We have worked with the ITU, RIM and CDMA Development Group on a new section on Mobile Enterprise, this is due to demand to bring back this area as it becomes more prevalent to the industry and industry clients. If you have any questions or input, please email me.

The announcement that we have been given by the IPv6 Forum on IPv4 addresses is a landmark and IPv6 migration is key, please also read our interview with NAv6 from the University Sains in Malaysia on migration to IPv6.

We have included country profiles from UAE and Azerbaijan, we will be keeping this section as it gives an insight into what is happening in different regions and how countries are expanding ICT infrastructure.

The project is growing in distribution you will notice the larger events area, we are the most distributed of any publication at events globally – fact, not claim, and will continue to grow this. We will be distributed in every continent and subcontinent this issue, our unique partnership with over thirty organisations means we reach the whole of the industry, not just the financially rich regions.

If you have any questions or if you have any input please email me.

Robert Alcock
Founder and Project Director
International Communications Project

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