The ADSL Blackout: a Reality this 2014 in Andorra
InterComms talks with Jordi Nadal, CEO, Andorra Telecom
Jordi Nadal, CEO, Andorra Telecom |
Jordi Nadal is the CEO of Andorra Telecom. He has been part of Andorra Telecom's team since 1994. Mr Nadal has a degree in marketing from EADA and a Telecommunications Engineer Master from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC).
Andorra Telecom has set a November 1st, 2014 deadline to dismantle the ADSL Internet connection system.
This is an ambitious project in which Andorra Telecom has been working for 2 years and it is possible by a display of 100% fiber optics network throughout the country.
Andorra Telecom is the public operator that manages and operates exclusively within the territory of Andorra telecommunications services in general: land line telephony, mobile telephony, data transmission and Internet and the technical infrastructure and national networks of sound radio and Television Broadcasting Digital Terrestrial (DTT).
100% of the inhabited areas of the Principality have access to fiber optics |
Jordi Nadal, General Director of the company explains how they can meet this challenge:
"Andorra Telecom's investment for Internet connectivity through a fiber optics network began in 2008. Actually the deployment has been very fast and today we can say that 100% of the inhabited areas of the Principality have access to fiber optics and that 93% of Internet connections are made through this system."
And to achieve that, we have joined efforts to inform the benefits of this system and to provide an attractive product to our customers.
Andorra is a country with a fairly fragmented population. There is a core with a high concentration of people of about 5,000 inhabitants and the rest is divided up into smaller groups to account for 68,000 now living in the Principality to which we must add them to the second home residences and hotels. Achieving this rate of implementation has been a major challenge and it allows us now to dismantle the ADSL network and to offer our subscribers more and better services.
Q: How and why did you outline this blackout?
A: The reason is quite simple to understand. To maintain two networks is a great cost to the company and ADSL technical support is going down and that could conflict in the coming years.
To understand how we can raise the internet ADSL service blackout, you have to go back to the year 2008 in which Andorra Telecom made a firm commitment to get Fiber Optic in a few years and reach a 100% penetration of service in the country populated areas. This penetration percentage is what has allowed us to raise the blackout with the peace of mind to guarantee the Internet service in any home in Andorra.
Our offer of Fiber Optics is divided into different packages that include fixed telephony, Internet and TV.
The blackout was outlined in a progressive way and trying to meet the needs of every segment of the population, we offered very competitive prices and constant improvements in products that used this technology.
And in this sense we have been making different information campaigns, as I said very segmented, so ADSL customers could compare the rates and products being offered with Fiber Optics.
This effort will culminate on November 1st with ADSL blackout in Andorra.
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