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  Intercomms Issue 22
Issue 22 Articles

Orga Systems logoCatalog-Driven Revenue Management:Comprehensive support for faster revenue generation and efficient order delivery

Interview with Dr Ralf Guckert, CTO of Orga Systems

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Key capabilities of GOLD COM
Key capabilities of GOLD COM

Q: Which major challenges are Communication Service Providers (CSPs) facing today?
A: Offering innovative products, successful selling and the efficient delivery of what customers have ordered are key to success in today’s economy. Customers expect a seamless and positive shopping experience and a product that really fulfills their expectations. Furthermore, they anticipate an immediate delivery at the first try. Nevertheless, the needed IT operations and processes for this remain very complex. Telecom marketers as well as product and pricing managers are often confronted with various challenges. There are several “show stoppers” and key capabilities that – if missing – can really harm the CSPs’ profitability: On the one hand there is still a lack of integration and a missing common view on customers and “their products”. On the other hand there is still a delay in product launches. Furthermore, the sheer inability to be more creative and to offer attractive bundles and packages circumvents CSPs revenue streams.

Q: What have been the main drivers for Orga Systems to complement the portfolio with catalog and order management capabilities?
A: Launching, selling, delivering and monetizing new and innovative products is a key process needing tight integration – yet allowing for maximum flexibility, agility and speed from end-to-end. CSPs which are striving for success need to maximize all the revenue potential across all product lines. Whether they launch and try to monetize high-speed LTE/4G networks and data services or they introduce new products, bundles and tariff concepts – CSPs need to be able to repeat successful product launches and their monetization continuously. That’s where GOLD Catalog and Order Management (GOLD COM) comes in: it provides a vital foundation for this and in combination with our product for convergent real-time billing, GOLD CCB, it can improve time-to-market for product launches and improve delivery and monetization capabilities.

Q: Talking about the new product – what are the benefits delivered?
A: GOLD COM complements our GOLD product family, providing an even more comprehensive support for faster revenue generation and efficient order delivery. Two main components are the central product catalog and its’ comprehensive customer order management and workflow capabilities. Both are supported by a unique and collaborative workspace providing strong graphical configuration tools and graphical instance monitoring. We really focused on better usability, allowing to “configure” product specifications and order execution workflows – rather than having to program them. With the new concept of “catalog-driven revenue management” commercial offerings are designed within the product catalog and directly drive the configuration of charging, policy control and billing. This concept immensely shortens time to market and reduces IT efforts.

Q: How do CSPs benefit from your integrated “concept-to-cash” approach and how can the end customers profit from it?
A: For operators a good and intelligently designed SW-product for catalog and order management is actually an ultimate time-to-market tool. GOLD Catalog and Order Management helps service providers to launch and sell innovative and attractive products faster and to deliver and monetize what has been ordered more efficiently, at lower cost and with lower fall out rates. For the customer the best experience is simple: When nothing “goes wrong”! The best result of “good” order management is to prevent order failures before they occur and that – in case something goes wrong – these order issues are resolved quickly. Finally, it remains absolutely crucial for today’s customers that the monetization and billing of the products and services bought are correct – and do not cause irritations or even churn. This is what we tried to bear in mind bringing GOLD COM to market.

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