Issue 24 Articles


Welcome to the new issue of InterComms!

As we enter 2015 we are pleased to announce that our new video channel InterComms TV will now be available on our website: We are looking for educational videos to keep the site relevant and upto date.

On an editorial stand point we are pleased to welcome more organisations into the fold, The Open Mobile Alliance and Dynamic Spectrum Alliance, with our expansion into looking at M2M and deeper in to IoT, the ability to look at the restraints and achievements in this area accurately will mean that we are looking at things in perspective rather the hype.

I would like to thank Carl, from the TM Forum, for their input as always. We have a great piece on best adoption of IPv6, from Latif, it’s an issue that a lot of us in the industry have been assuming the ostrich position on. Robin from the Broadband Forum looks at and addresses the issues facing broadband currently which is worth a read and please look at their site about the new educational programmes they are currently running:

We are moving onwards with our section on Video and Content Provision, we have great pieces from our contributors and a great piece from Swissaudec on the future of sound, the reason we are here in the first place.

The ITU and CTO have contributed to the section on Digital Divide with two pieces that look at the reality of the situation.

Thank you for reading our project, please go to our website for more services such as news, technical help, e-reader versions and our video channel: it’s free: As always your comments help us go forward, please email me. I wish you a good 2015!


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