Issue 28 Articles

CytaGlobal logoCyta's Major Satellite Hub in the Eastern Mediterranean

By Mr Yiannis Koulias, Cyta’s Chief Commercial Officer

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Mr Yiannis Koulias, Cyta’s Chief Commercial Officer
Mr Yiannis Koulias, Cyta’s Chief Commercial Officer

Cyta is the dominant telecommunications provider in Cyprus and its product portfolio covers the whole spectrum of electronic communications, ranging from fixed and mobile telephony to internet service provision and broadband applications.

Cyta’s business model is focused in building long-term relationships with its customers. The key to this philosophy is trying to understand the customers’ needs and the capability to offer products at competitive prices with the expected quality of service. The broad experience of the personnel, the continued care and support and the reliable infrastructure are the tools to facilitate these capabilities and enhance the value of Cyta’s services to its customer base.

Cyta, through its strategic business unit Cytaglobal, is particularly active in the area of subsea cable systems and satellite communications, providing wholesale products and services on a global basis. Taking advantage of the island’s strategic geographical position, Cytaglobal has developed an extensive undersea fibre optic cable network, which connects Cyprus with its neighbouring countries of Greece, Italy, Israel, Syria, Lebanon and Egypt and thereafter with the rest of the world.

In addition to its extensive subsea cable network, Cyta has been active for years in satellite communications and provides links and associated support services to major international customers. Cyta operates more than 35 major satellite earth stations to provide access to global satellite providers such as EUTELSAT, INTELSAT, SES, AVANTI and ASIASAT. Cyta has established three satellite teleport sites named MAKARIOS, ERMIS and PERA that enhance the resilience and diversity of its operations. All its services enjoy professional certifications and comply with all relevant international standards.

The services offered via Cyta’s satellite teleports include a broad collection of products, ranging from satellite television on a permanent and occasional basis to broadband gateway services, satellite control and monitoring services, data and internet connectivity. The satellite teleports also offer VSAT services, hosting services to third parties and serve as a video head-end (master facility for receiving television signals) for Cytavision IP-TV in the Cyprus market and other global wholesale customers.

Makarios Teleport
Makarios Teleport

Supporting the international market

With the rapid development of a global fiber network, attention has shifted from international telephony to services supporting the international telecommunications market. Today, one of the core products offered at Cyta’s satellite teleports is gateway services to modern broadband satellites, bundled with international fiber connectivity. This makes it possible to establish large gateways to High Throughput Satellites (HTS) that offer broadband services in selected regions around the globe.

Hosting and support services

Cyta offers dedicated secure areas with full facilities and regulated access for business partners to install and operate their own equipment. Full operational support is provided and customers are offered the option for remote operations and monitoring. Cyta offers support services to satellite operators to ensure the health of the satellite fleet, enforce compliance of the customers to the terms of their leases, verify the quality of satellite transmissions and identify sources of unauthorised transmissions.

VSAT links

VSAT links enable instant connectivity to remote regions around the globe and offer modern communications solutions. Cyta offers VSAT reliable services and field support in association with specialized partners.

TV content collection

Cyta’s teleport facilities also serve as satellite content collection nodes for its own IP-TV Cytavision service and its wholesale customers. This includes reception of hundreds of TV channels from numerous satellites using a large antenna farm that can provide visibility to most broadcasting and contribution satellites covering the region. The content is transcoded as needed and is fed to local and international nodes for distribution to the customers, while it is actively monitored on a 24- hour basis.

TV turnaround services

IRIS, a wholly-owned subsidiary company of Cyta, provides TV turnaround services including satellite broadcasting on multiple satellites covering Europe, the Middle East and Asia. IRIS also offers occasional services for video turnaround of special events around the globe. The subsidiary company provides dedicated satellite links for broadcasting and distribution as well as hybrid solutions with a combination of fiber and satellite means.

Cyprus provides an ideal geographical location with optimal conditions for satellite communications. Cyta has the necessary tools to bring together fiber and satellite products and offer integrated solutions. Cyta possesses a set of important capabilities that make it an attractive partner to the prospective customer. These include extensive experience in the provision of international telecommunications products, a modern fiber network with international points-of-presence (POPs) and dedicated teleport facilities for satellite access. Cyta enjoys a solid reputation of providing reliable quality services to its customers.

Cyta’s capabilities have been subject to external reviews by major satellite operators, specialized service providers and industry partners. MAKARIOS Teleport has recently been included in the Teleport Partner Network of the global satellite operator, EUTELSAT, and has just successfully completed certification by the World Teleport Association.

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